Delayed Email
Incident Report for Realvolve CRM
This incident has been resolved.
Posted Nov 10, 2022 - 15:11 UTC
We have found the issue and Email is back to normal - sorry for the challenge
Posted Nov 10, 2022 - 15:10 UTC
We are currently experiencing a system wide issue where email sending is delayed. Our engineering team is working with our email provider to get this resolved as quickly as possible. All emails are being queued and should still send once the issue is resolved. We apologize for the disruption this may cause in your daily activities.

If you have time-sensitive emails that need to send, select the box in your email settings labeled "Check this box to have emails sent using your own email server instead of Realvolve's email server." Note that this option will not track emails, and your service provider may limit the number of emails that can be sent each day. Any emails that were scheduled to be sent in the last few hours would not be captured by this method prior to making the change in your account. Those emails have been queued and delayed, but should send out.
Posted Nov 09, 2022 - 18:07 UTC
This incident affected: SendGrid SMTP.